
By Akinbode Toluleke


If all dreams are realities and not mere fantansies,
And each reality are accomplishment of this dreams
Then the world would turn to chaos.

If the sea besiege emotions, and this triggered by humanities disrespect to its compendium,
 As oil spillage graced its offspring, for there shall be no trespasser save its embodiments, for a state of trepidation would have trephine mankind.

If birds can tell the tale of two cities, for justice they cleave adjournment they behold, birds would commit felonious felony against state and humankind never be forgiven no more.

If roads could elongate for elopement, bridges seek refuge under the seas, tunnels placate their tracks, over humanities degradation of movement, leading to a Dadaism of Avangardazation, then people would mentalise their insanity to sanity.

If machines could talk; speak like the twitter, communicate like men, cry like women, scream like children.... Then the best of science would not be diverted to kill. For they would grade our minds, purity to the soul, and eulogy for a grey hair.

If I could seek the woman of my dream, beautify her membrane, kiss her lips, cleanse her paths, hypnotize her wishes, until she calls I would be fantod. For joy greased my paths, her radiant love I would cherish even down as death calls my attention, for her I phantom 

every bit of pleasure to seek her ecstasy.

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